Amethyst Lane Art Gourds
About Us
Amethyst Lane art gourds are beautiful, functional and durable. They are one of a kind works of art created jointly by Mother Nature and Ohio gourd artists Diane Clark and Dave Elliott, who believe gourds are Mother Nature's canvas. There are unlimited ways to use them. All wonderful.
At Amethyst Lane we grow many of our gourds. They must cure and dry for a full year before they are ready for use. Quality is all important, which means they will be sturdy, thick and strong. Like people, each one has unique qualities and a personality that sets it apart from the others. We embrace those differences and highlight them in each finished piece.
Our gourd birdhouses are beautiful and suitable for outdoor use. With acrylic paint and a heavy lacquer finish, they will last for many years. All have bottom drain holes to protect the residents from standing water. We recommend putting them in a protected area away from full sun and curious children. Bring them in during the Winter. Clean them off, apply another coat of lacquer or clear acrylic to extend the beauty even longer.
Thru the years many cultures have recognized a spiritual connection with gourds. In ancient China gourds were imbued with magic & mystery. They were believed to bring happiness and to frighten away evil spirits. In Taoism they are a
symbol of longevity and good health as well as a symbol of release. Even early Christianity associated new life and resurrection with gourds.
Tough and resilient, gourds have served many practical functions through the years. They’ve been used as bird houses, dippers, storage containers, planters, even as diffusers to freshen the indoor air.
When purchasing one we hope you enjoy the sense of the history and artistry that it imbues. Feel free to contact us with questions or comments. We would love to hear from you!
www.AmethystLaneGardens.com, on FB or contact us at Diane@AmethystLaneGardens.com Cincinnati Ohio